
2014 marked the 1st time that ‘mobile’ generated Internet traffic was greater than from the conventional desktop computer…

Nearly 60% of ALL internet traffic came from a device OTHER than a desktop computer


In simple terms, a ‘responsive’ website means that anyone visiting your site, using any kind of device to get there (mobile phones, smartphones, tablet computers, laptops or desktop computer) will see a website that fits perfectly into that device’s screen size.

If you’re still a little uncertain about what a ‘responsive‘ design is, try it out yourself on THIS website.

Simply RESTORE DOWN the browser window (the middle icon to the top-right of your browser) and start resizing the screen manually by adjusting the edges of the window.

You’ll quickly see how the entire website (header, navigation menu, text blocks, images, etc) begins to adjust itself to fit the screen size.

What are the benefits of RESPONSIVE DESIGN?

The simple answer is MANY but here are the top 3 reasons why ‘responsive’ design is the ONLY way to go when deciding on a new website or a re-design of an existing website.

1 – User Experience

With a ‘responsive‘ design, people visiting your site on a mobile device will no longer be faced with the dreaded scrolling from left to right to read a paragraph of text or continually zooming in and out to see an image or a block of the site properly.

All the text.
All the images.
All the design blocks will ‘shrink’ & ‘resize’ to fit that device’s screen size.

A happy visitor on your website is a return visitor to your website.

2 – Cost.

With ONE website to fit ALL your ‘online’ needs, the cost benefits to a small or mid-size company can be enormous.

One website to update.
One person to maintain it.

No need to hire someone to build you a specific Iphone app or ‘mobile’ version of your existing website, when ONE website can do it all.

3 – Visibility.

Nearly 25% of ALL internet traffic today comes from a mobile device and that number is growing by 10% every year.

Google (the driving force of most Internet activity) has recently announced that websites that are non ‘mobile-friendly’ will be penalized.

It’s very feasable that by 2020, over 80% of Internet traffic will be mobile.
That’s 80% of the audience that will not see your product, service or cause.

How much does a responsive website cost?



    One website for ALL devices.. (mobile phones, smartphones, tablet computers, laptops or desktop computer)

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