This SEO Checklist is a basic reminder of some simple things that must be adhered to before you make that decision to launch your new website or product online.


before launching your website

SEO Checklist


before launching your website

Avoiding the GOOGLE death-traps for low Search Engine rankings.

SEO Checklist - #1 Tip

Have you given the entire contents of your website a thorough scan to ensure that no duplicate content exists and that all the links on the website lead to a genuine page of content and not a 404 ‘error’ page?

46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information.

SEO Checklist - #2 Tip

Are you certain that all your website pages have been optimized to ensure high Search Engine rankings for the keywords that you’re trying to attract?

Website visitors that don‘t find the information they’re looking for are unlikely to re-visit that website ever again.

SEO Checklist - #3 Tip

Are you certain that you have set up some Analytics tracking code on your website to ensure you maximize your website’s visibility & reach by analyzing where your traffic is coming from?

Attaining high Search Engine rankings today, does not only entail having a website, It also encompasses a wide range of other factors like external domain visibility.

SEO Checklist - #4 Tip

Are you certain that your website is connected to social media accounts that will not only secure your ‘brand’ identity but will also help w/ Search Engine visibility?

In 2018, mobile traffic to websites surpassed conventional methods like desktop/laptop computers for the first time.

SEO Checklist - #5 Tip

Are you certain your website is mobile ready? Have you tested it w/ different mobile devices to ensure its usability?